Doctoral Theses
- G. C. F. Lee, "Machine Learning for Data-Driven Signal Separation and Interference Mitigation in Radio-Frequency Communication Systems", Doctoral Thesis, September 2023.
- T. Arikan, "Data-Driven Localization and Structure Learning in Reverberant Underwater Acoustic Environments", Doctoral Thesis, May 2023.
- J. K-W. Lee, "Maximal Correlation Feature Selection and Suppression With Applications", Doctoral Thesis, 2021.
- A. Yedidia, "Analysis and Optimization of Occluder-Based Imaging", Doctoral Thesis, 2020.
- G. Ajjanagadde, "Fourier Analysis on the Hypercube, the Coefficient Problem, and Applications", Doctoral Thesis, 2020.
- X. Zhang, "Intelligible Models for Learning Categorical Data via Generalized Fourier Spectrum", Doctoral Thesis, 2019.
- G. Shulkind, "Efficient Data Collection Strategies for Rapid Learning in Physical Environments", Doctoral Thesis, 2018.
- G. Joshi, "Efficient Redundancy Techniques to Reduce Delay in Cloud Systems", Doctoral Thesis, 2016.
- Q. He, "An Architecture for Low-Power Voice-Command Recognition Systems", Doctoral Thesis, 2016.
- Y.-z. Huang, "Model-Code Separation Architectures for Compression Based on Message-Passing", Doctoral Thesis, 2015.
- D. Wang, "Computing with Unreliable Resources: Design, Analysis and Algorithms", Doctoral Thesis, 2014.
- J. Krieger, "Architectures and System Design for Digitally-Enhanced Antenna Arrays", Doctoral Thesis, 2014.
- M. M. Shanechi, "Real-Time Brain-Machine Interface Architectures: Neural Decoding from Plan to Movement", Doctoral Thesis, 2011.
- A. Accardi, "Generating Pictures from Waves: Aspects of Image Formation", Doctoral Thesis, 2010.
- V. Chandar, "Sparse Graph Codes for Compression, Sensing, and Secrecy", Doctoral Thesis, 2010.
- C. Swannack, "Channel State Quantization in MIMO Broadcast Systems: Architectures and Codes", Doctoral Thesis, 2010.
- U. Niesen, "Scaling Laws for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks", Doctoral Thesis, 2009.
- A. Khisti, "Algorithms and Architectures for Multiuser, Multiterminal, and Multilayer Information-Theoretic Security", Doctoral Thesis, 2008.
- L. Brooks, "Circuits and Algorithms for Pipelined ADCs in Scaled CMOS Technologies", Doctoral Thesis, 2008.
- V. Divi, "Estimation and Calibration Algorithms for Distributed Sampling Systems", Doctoral Thesis, 2008.
- E. W. Huang, "Circuit-Aware System Design Techniques for Wireless Communication", Doctoral Thesis, 2006.
- E. Martinian, "Dynamic Information and Constraints in Source and Channel Coding", Doctoral Thesis, 2004.
- A. Chan, "A Framework for Low-Complexity Iterative Interference Cancellation in Communication Systems", Doctoral Thesis, 2004.
- H. Yao, "Efficient Signal, Code, and Receiver Designs for MIMO Communication Systems", Doctoral Thesis, 2003.
- M. J. Lopez, "Multiplexing, Scheduling, and Multicasting Strategies for Antenna Arrays in Wireless Networks", Doctoral Thesis, 2002.
- J. N. Laneman, "Cooperative Diversity in Wireless Networks: Algorithms and Architectures", Doctoral Thesis, 2002.
- S. C. Draper, "Successive Structuring of Source Coding Algorithms for Data Fusion, Buffering, and Distribution in Networks", Doctoral Thesis, 2002.
- B. Chen, "Design and Analysis of Digital Watermarking, Information Embedding, and Data Hiding Systems", Doctoral Thesis, 2000.
- H. C. Papadopoulos, "Efficient Digital Encoding and Estimation of Noisy Signals", Doctoral Thesis, 1998.
- J. M. Ooi, "A Framework for Low-Complexity Communication over Channels with Feedback", Doctoral Thesis, 1998.
- W. M. Lam, "Multiscale Methods for the Analysis and Application of Fractal Point Processes and Queues", Doctoral Thesis, 1997.
- S. H. Isabelle, "A Signal Processing Framework for the Analysis and Application of Chaotic Systems", Doctoral Thesis, 1995.