Signals, Information, and Algorithms Laboratory

Professor Gregory W. Wornell

Alumni & Former Lab Members

Former Visiting Scientists

Prof. Emre Telatar

Prof. Emre Telatar


Prof. Dongning Gong

Prof. Dongning Gong


Prof. Ram Zamir

Prof. Ram Zamir


Prof. Meir Feder

Prof. Meir Feder


Prof. Sae-Young Chung

Prof. Sae-Young Chung


Prof. Frank Kschischang

Prof. Frank Kschischang


Dr. Jerome Shapiro

Dr. Jerome Shapiro


Prof. Venu Veeravalli

Prof. Venu Veeravalli


Former Postdoctoral Scholars

Dr. Yuheng Bu

Dr. Yuheng Bu


Dr. Amichai Painsky

Dr. Amichai Painsky


Dr. Arya Mazumdar

Dr. Arya Mazumdar


Dr. Vijay Divi

Dr. Vijay Divi


Dr. Pascal O. Vontobel

Dr. Pascal O. Vontobel


Dr. Aaron Cohen

Dr. Aaron Cohen


Dr. Christos Thrampoulidis

Dr. Christos Thrampoulidis


Dr. Hongchao Zhou

Dr. Hongchao Zhou


Dr. Maryam Modir Shanechi

Dr. Maryam Modir Shanechi


Dr. Aslan Tchamkerten

Dr. Aslan Tchamkerten


Dr. Elif Uysal Biyikoglu

Dr. Elif Uysal Biyikoglu


Dr. Steven H. Isabelle

Dr. Steven H. Isabelle


Dr. Ankit Singh Rawat

Dr. Ankit Singh Rawat


Dr. Ligong Wang

Dr. Ligong Wang


Dr. Yuval Kochman

Dr. Yuval Kochman


Dr. Uri Erez

Dr. Uri Erez


Dr. Uri Erez

Dr. Uri Erez


Dr. Ofir Shalvi

Dr. Ofir Shalvi


Doctoral Student Alumni and Theses

Toros Arikan (PhD 2023)

Toros Arikan (PhD 2023)

Data-Driven Localization and Structure Learning in
Reverberant Underwater Acoustic Environments

Ganesh Ajjanagadde (PhD 2020)

Ganesh Ajjanagadde (PhD 2020)

Fourier Analysis on the Hypercube, the Coefficient Problem, and Applications

Atulya Yellepeddi (PhD 2016)

Atulya Yellepeddi (PhD 2016)

Graphical Model Driven Methods in Adaptive System Identification

Ying-zong Huang (PhD 2015)

Ying-zong Huang (PhD 2015)

Maryam Modir Shanechi (PhD 2011)

Maryam Modir Shanechi (PhD 2011)

Real-Time Brain-Machine Interface Architectures: Neural Decoding from Plan to Movement

Charles Swannack (PhD 2010)

Charles Swannack (PhD 2010)

Channel State Quantization in MIMO Broadcast Systems: Architectures and Code

Vijay Divi (PhD 2008)

Vijay Divi (PhD 2008)

Estimation and Calibration Algorithms for Distributed Sampling Systems

Emin Martinian, (PhD 2004)

Emin Martinian, (PhD 2004)

Dynamic Information and Constraints in Source and Channel Coding

Michael J. Lopez, (PhD 2002)

Michael J. Lopez, (PhD 2002)

Multiplexing, Scheduling, and Multicasting Strategies for Antenna Arrays in Wireless Networks

Brian Chen, (PhD 2000)

Brian Chen, (PhD 2000)

Design and Analysis of Digital Watermarking, Information Embedding, and Data Hiding Systems

Warren M. Lam, (PhD 1997)

Warren M. Lam, (PhD 1997)

Multiscale Methods for the Analysis and Application of Fractal Point Processes and Queues

Joshua Lee (PhD 2021)

Joshua Lee (PhD 2021)

Maximal Correlation Feature Selection and Suppression With Applications

Xuhong (Lisa) Zhang (PhD 2019)

Xuhong (Lisa) Zhang (PhD 2019)

Intelligible Models for Learning Categorical Data via Generalized Fourier Spectrum

Gauri Joshi (PhD 2016)

Gauri Joshi (PhD 2016)

Efficient Redundancy Techniques to Reduce Delay in Cloud Systems

Da Wang (PhD 2014)

Da Wang (PhD 2014)

Computing with Unreliable Resources: Design, Analysis and Algorithms

Anthony Accardi (PhD 2010)

Anthony Accardi (PhD 2010)

Generating Pictures from Waves: Aspects of Image Formation

Urs Niesen (PhD 2009)

Urs Niesen (PhD 2009)

Scaling Laws for Heterogeneous Wireless Networks

Lane Brooks (PhD 2008)

Lane Brooks (PhD 2008)

Circuits and Algorithms for Pipelined ADCs in Scaled CMOS Technologies

Albert Chan, (PhD 2004)

Albert Chan, (PhD 2004)

A Framework for Low-Complexity Iterative Interference Cancellation in Communication Systems

J. Nicholas Laneman, (PhD 2002)

J. Nicholas Laneman, (PhD 2002)

Cooperative Diversity in Wireless Networks: Algorithms and Architectures

Haralabos C. Papadopoulos, (PhD 1998)

Haralabos C. Papadopoulos, (PhD 1998)

Efficient Digital Encoding and Estimation of Noisy Signals (with Application to Wireless Sensor Networks

Steven H. Isabelle, (PhD 1995)

Steven H. Isabelle, (PhD 1995)

A Signal Processing Framework for the Analysis and Application of Chaotic Systems

Adam Yedidia (PhD 2021)

Adam Yedidia (PhD 2021)

Analysis and Optimization of Occluder-Based Imaging

Gal Shulkind (PhD 2018)

Gal Shulkind (PhD 2018)

Efficient Data Collection Strategies for Rapid Learning in Physical Environments

Qing He (PhD 2016)

Qing He (PhD 2016)

An Architecture for Low-Power Voice-Command Recognition Systems

James Krieger (PhD 2014)

James Krieger (PhD 2014)

Architectures and System Design for Digitally-Enhanced Antenna Arrays

Venkat Chandar (PhD 2010)

Venkat Chandar (PhD 2010)

Sparse Graph Codes for Compression, Sensing, and Secrecy

Ashish Khisti (PhD 2008)

Ashish Khisti (PhD 2008)

Algorithms and Architectures for Multiuser, Multi-terminal, Multi-layer Information Theoretic Security

Everest Huang, (PhD 2005)

Everest Huang, (PhD 2005)

Circuit-Aware System Design Techniques for Wireless Communication

Huan Yao, (PhD 2003)

Huan Yao, (PhD 2003)

Efficient Signal, Code, and Receiver Designs for MIMO Communication Systems

Stark C. Draper, (PhD 2002)

Stark C. Draper, (PhD 2002)

Successive Structuring of Source Coding Algorithms for Data Fusion, Buffering, and Distribution in Networks

James M. Ooi, (PhD 1998)

James M. Ooi, (PhD 1998)

A Framework for Low-Complexity Communication Over Channels with Feedback

Masters Student Alumni

Mumin Jin (M.Eng./VI-A 2021)

Xiaoyi Wang (M.Eng. 2021)

Joshua K. W. Lee (SM 2017)

Wai Lok (Angus) Lai (M.Eng. 2016)

David Romero (SM 2014)

Kevin Boyle (SM 2007)

Charles H. Swannack (SM 2005)

Durodami Lisk (M.Eng./VI-A 1999)

Alexander C. Wang (SM 1997)

Brian Chen (SM 1996)

Warren M. Lam (SM 1992)

Andrew C. Singer (SM 1992)

Isabella Kang (M.Eng. 2021)

Abhin Shah (SM 2021)

Joseph C. Griffin, (M.Eng. 2017)

Mo Deng (SM 2016)

Gauri Joshi (SM 2012)

Venkat Chandar (M. Eng. 2006)

Ashish Khisti (SM 2004)

Emin Martinian (SM 2000)

Huan Yao (M.Eng./VI-A 1998)

John Fini (M.Eng./VI-A 1997)

Junehee Lee (SM 1995)

Tony Wang (M.Eng. 2021

Gary Lee (SM 2019)

Ganesh Ajjanagadde (M.Eng. 2016)

Xuhong (Lisa) Zhang (SM 2015)

Da Wang (SM 2010)

Maryam M. Shanechi (SM 2006)

Vijay Divi (M.Eng.  2004)

Albert M. Chan (SM 1999)

J. Nicholas Laneman (SM 1997)

Soosan Beheshti (SM 1996)

Haralabos C. Papadopoulos (SM 1993)

UROP Student Alumni

Casey Bussone (2020-21)

Favour Oladimeji (2020-21)

Xiaoyi Wang (2020)

Pravi Samaratunga (2018-19)

Deepali Garg (2002)

Hussein Waljee (1997)

Tammy Chen (2020-21)

Lingyi Ziu (2020-21)

Robert Lindland (2019-20)

James Mawdsley (2015-16)

Edward Keehr (2001)

Grant Y. Smith (1997)

Isabella Kang (2020)

Mumin Jin (2020)

Timothy Leplae-Arthur (2018-19)

Wai Lok Lai (2015)

Siddhartan Govindasamy (1999)